Ministries &
Being a community church is so much more than an hour service on Sunday. We believe it is vital to the health of our community that we deepen our faith through Bible studies, fellowship, small groups, and so much more!
Looking for volunteer opportunities? We offer several ministries to the community and partner with other organizations to not only preach the gospel with our words, but also our actions.
Will you journey with us?

We offer Sunday School for children ages 3-12 during the Sunday morning service. We follow the Montessori-based Godly Play program. Nursery care is also provided.
Our Sunday School and Nursery are held in open-view, soundproofed glassed-in rooms underneath the balcony in the main part of the church.
Have a question about Sunday School? Contact us.

Friday nights 6:00pm-8:00pm at Stone Church. Open to grades 5-10.
Have a question about Youth Connection? Contact us.

When children or adults want to affirm their personal faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour and make a public profession before the bishop, as representative of Jesus’ apostles, they are encouraged to contact Rev. Terence and Rev. Jasmine, to arrange for studies leading to confirmation.

Led by Michael Smith, our music blends traditional and contemporary styles. We have a weekly Praise Band and an occasional Choir. Contact Michael if you are interested in learning more about the music ministries and/or opportunities to participate.

Come and join other men for breakfast at Rocky’s Sports Bar in the Shoppes of City Hall on the 1st Saturday of each month at 8:00 am. It’s a chance for us to get to know each other. Bring a friend!

This is a chance for us to get to know each other. Bring a friend!

- Free Beginner and intermediate English classes for adults.
- English Language Day Camps for 2 weeks in the summer. (These camps are for newcomer children and youth).
Contact us to register.

Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-4 pm
Drop in for some coffee, conversation and snacks!
Have a question about Drop-In? Contact us.

Stone Church has a free laundry service every Tuesday-Friday 9:00am-11:30am.
We provide the detergent. Last Load needs to start at 9:50am to be done on time.

Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 10am-11am.
Craft supplies are available or you can bring your own.

Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 1:00pm-2:30pm with snacks, guest speakers, and live musical entertainment.

A ministry run by our community priests, Rev. Jasmine and Rev. Terence.
Pennies & Sparrows seeks to care for those in unstable circumstances and on the margins of society. In partnership with other community organizations and churches in Saint John, we provide English language groups, support groups, drop-ins, children’s activities and relationship-focused programs; bringing people together and pointing them to the source of all hope.

Every Friday from 10:30am – 1:00pm.
We welcome anyone from the community to come and cook a meal with us, then we eat and clean up together. Those who help cook the food are also welcome to invite friends to come eat the meal which is usually served at 12:00pm.