Not Just Another Church...
Faith is more than a belief; it’s a vibrant journey. We actively live out the principle that ‘God is love,’ becoming agents of love in our local and global communities.
Through unwavering commitment to serving our community, we support 35 diverse mission partners globally, allocating 20% of our offerings to impactful initiatives. In our community, every activity proclaims the profound love that defines us.
Discover the heart of Christ within yourself and be part of a transformative journey spreading love far and wide.
The Winter on Carleton Street is Cold
The church looks like a great Queen
crowned and standing tall
from the far end of Germain,
and if you allow your imagination
to go where it should,
her elaborate pannier billows bulbously from the midriff down.
The elms, ashes, and lindens
can be seen lining the rolled-out carpet
that leads down Germain,
did I mention down?,
and further down,
all the way to the ocean
like wistful sentient soldiers,
melancholic, aware of their duty
and the high proud risks.
This sentimental dream
of well-placed architectural design
mixed with rich spiritual tones
still holds sway,
more than one might think,
but certainly less than it once did;
the Queen having been forced to her knees
by a grave humility and reckoning;
but despite this necessary reckoning, many things have not improved.
The recasting of garbs or shapes of buildings
or normalized rituals have not been enough
to scatter a new kind of sovereignty.
A shadow has sidled up next to hope in Saint John in recent decades,
where the sweetest wild flowers grow,
and the winter streets grow cold.
A crazed tone has been set,
and the coldness of its grip
has stung the arm of many a human,
stung so fiercely it resembles a burning fire –
and for some, this fire burns for their entire existence.
And yet light also remains.
Carleton leads to Coburg,
and Coburg leads down Peter to Waterloo.
And Waterloo leads past the Cathedral,
and still a light remains.
Even in the metaphorical pit
we can choose to use the afterglow
of the long lingering flames
to pick out semblances of faces we once knew,
movements that resemble souls,
not lost, not without hope,
as even in their very real current circumstances a light remains.
And it would seem the steeples in the area,
Stone and Cathedral and St John and others,
though far from perfect,
have not entirely lost their glow.
A beatific light still cascades down
from them as if Beatrice herself dangled the old rope of love.
And so a responsibility to bring recognition
to these souls through her vision
presses on. To step in, as Dante once did
many centuries ago,
and remember that what fading shapes we see
are meant to be pitied,
not a monetized condescending pity that only leads to more shadows –
a pity that says, ironically, as if talking to sin and not flesh and blood,
‘I’m glad I’m not you, disgusting,’ –
but a pity that resembles hope and compassion and,
most importantly, the light of the world, Reason.
A pity that inspires a vision of this light
can change the very aura of any hell.
We are all, no matter lovely sector
or beautiful religion or gorgeous personal belief,
responsible for providing this kind of pity.
It is the only future that can assist in Being.
Our Beliefs
As an Anglican community, our faith is best expressed in the ancient creedal statements of the early church: The Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed. These statements declare that God is three in one and one in three- Father, Son and Holy Spirit; that Jesus is God in the Flesh- the one who died for our sins and rose again. We also believe in the Holy Spirit- the One whom Jesus himself pours out upon the church community, empowering them to live out their mission. We believe that the teachings of these creeds flow naturally from the Holy Scriptures- the inspired word of God.
For us, however, these ancient confessions of faith aren’t words to be dully recited only on Sunday morning but truths to be passionately lived out, each day of the week. This means that you’ll find those in our community actively trying to live out what they encounter in scripture and inviting others to do the same. We don’t always get it right. But together we are learning to walking together in the ways of Jesus each and every day.
Our Vision
To be the heart of Christ in the heart of Saint John.
Our Mission
To be the heart of Christ in the heart of Saint John.
Our Values
Spiritual Growth
Community Building
Evangelism & Outreach
Our History
In 1822 the Vestry of Trinity Church decided to build a Chapel of Ease to accommodate members of the British garrison and the increasing number of Anglicans living in the fast growing Port City. Stone Church got its nickname because the stones for the church were brought from England as ballast on returning cargo ships, though its official name remains St. John’s Church. The first service was held on Sunday, September 11, 1825. The parish has had a long and faithful history of Christian witness in Saint John, with an emphasis on biblical preaching, evangelical teaching and social engagement in the community. The congregation continues to seek God’s guidance and empowerment to find fresh and relevant ways to connect with people and bring the gospel message to the heart of our city.
St. John’s (Stone) Church is a National Historic site. Visit:
Stained Glass
Photos and postcard prints of St. John’s (Stone) stained glass windows are available for purchase. Please inquiry in-person or contact the parish administrator for more information.
Our Team

Church Warden

Church Warden