The Heart of


in the Heart of

Saint John


Weekly gatherings that anchor our ministry in the community.


The heart of our church; serving the community in the name of Jesus.


Practical and spiritual opportunities to grow deeper in faith as a community.


Sunday Services

We gather for worship as a community on Sundays at 10:30am. There is no dress code. There is no user manual. We mean it when we say everyone is welcome.

Sunday School and a Nursery are held in open-view, soundproofed glassed-in rooms in the main sanctuary.

Our music blends traditional and contemporary styles with a praise band and an occasional choir.



Our building, including washrooms, is mostly wheelchair-accessible. If you are unable to go forward to receive communion, it can be brought to you. Please contact Rev. Jasmine or Rev. Terence if you require any additional accommodations.


Being a community church is so much more than an hour service on Sunday. We believe it is vital to the health of our community that we deepen our faith through Bible studies, fellowship, youth group, volunteering, and so much more!

Will you journey with us?


At Stone Church we care about our community and the people who are part of it. We offer several ministries to the community and partner with other organizations to not only preach the gospel with our words, but also our actions.

Partners & Supporters

Waterloo Village Neighbourhood Association

Stone Church is the on site location for the Waterloo Village Neighbourhood Association, with 2 staff (Penni Eisenhauer, Jennifer Hallihan) to help people navigate community resources. WVNA also assists with our Drop-In, Foodie Fridays, and seniors programs.

Coming Up

Stay up to date on everything happening at Stone Church. Something missing? Please contact the office to have your event added.

Conservation Project 2021-2024

While surviving the great fire of 1877, Stone Church has not been immune to the ravages of time. The worshiping congregation at St. John’s “Stone” Church regards the building as an important part of our spiritual heritage. As part of the Saint John community, we are keenly aware of the importance of the church and its history.

The year 2024 marks our building’s 200th anniversary! As a Church, we are committed to care for its structural and masonry challenges that have become more and more evident. Since 2019, we have been working diligently with the highly-qualified team at Heritage Standing Inc. and Briand Frost Masonry (both New Brunswick enterprises), to repair and secure the massive tower in front of the church.

As of the end of 2023, we have addressed significant structural and masonry deterioration of the Southern and Western facades of the tower. We were also able to work with Black River Woodworking Ltd.of Saint John to build and replace the South facing wooden louver. The whole construction project was a major undertaking costing more than $650,000! We are grateful that nearly all of the costs were covered from funds provided by our congregation and grants from the Diocese of Fredericton, The Anglican Foundation, WorkingNB, and Parks Canada Heritage Grants.

The momentum gained over the last few years encourages us to continue working toward the completion of the Conservation Project. In 2024, we’d like to address the Eastern facade of the tower and at least replace the West facing louver. The total estimated cost for the 2024 construction season is $400,000.

The Need

The total cost of the Conservation Project is around $2,000,000. This will cover the engineering costs, the scaffolding and/or lifts to access areas needed to be repaired and the materials and labor for the masonry repairs.

How You Can Help

  1. Pray
  2. Get involved in one of the committees: historical and architectural, art appreciation, music appreciation, marketing and raising funds, or the garden committee
  3. Donate